Naadiya brings experience from WE ACT for Environmental Justice, where she was formerly the Government Affairs Manager in the Federal Policy Office and helped lead the organizing fight to defeat the “dirty side deal” (aka permitting reform). Prior to this position, Naadiya was a legislative staffer and Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Fellow with the Office of the late Congressman McEachin, where she led stakeholder engagement on environmental justice and public health.
Naadiya has laid roots in Baltimore, MD. She currently organizes locally around affordable housing, reducing lead poisoning, and environmental justice. She previously served as the Resident Equity Advisory for the Baltimore City Climate Action Plan, and the Baltimore City Disaster Preparedness Plan. Naadiya also served as the Communications and Outreach Supervisor for the Baltimore People’s Climate Movement where she led digital campaigns and in-person outreach for climate justice issues in the city.
Naadiya was born and raised in Florida, with family currently spread throughout the US and the Caribbean. Naadiya’s commitment to climate justice is an ode to her family, who have suffered from environmental racism and systemic violence.