Guiados pela Libertação Negra em direção a um novo horizonte
Praticamos uma justiça climática transformadora enraizada na reparação da relação entre a Terra e o seu povo.
Horizonte de Libertação
A Taproot semeia campanhas globais e formações autónomas que abordam a causa raiz da crise climática, reimaginam soluções sustentáveis ​​e mudam as estruturas necessárias para criar um mundo mais sustentável.

Vemos 2030 como um ponto de viragem climático crítico para escolher a abundância em vez da escassez, a governação colectiva em vez do autoritarismo e a administração em vez da extracção predatória. Avançamos em direção a um horizonte cheio de pessoas livres vivendo, descansando e prosperando nos lugares que chamamos de lar.

Movement Infrastructure

Our goal is to build power for movements, not institutions. We provide a transparent, accountable, and participatory process to help leaders and Formations gather, share stories and analysis, and assert solutions informed by frontline communities’ lived experience.
Leadership Development
Whether regional or global, our frontline Formations are self-governed by leaders from the climate frontlines. These Formations build on the historic struggles and stewardship of Black and Indigenous communities.
Just Transition Lawyering Network (JTLN) is a national allied Formation of practicing attorneys and legal workers committed to supporting the work and struggles of the US climate frontlines.

Initiatives & Campaigns

Leadership Development
Whether regional or global, our frontline Formations are self-governed by leaders from the climate frontlines. These Formations build on the historic struggles and stewardship of Black and Indigenous communities.
Just Transition Lawyering Network (JTLN) is a national allied Formation of practicing attorneys and legal workers committed to supporting the work and struggles of the US climate frontlines.

Movement Infrastructure

Leadership Development
Whether regional or global, our frontline Formations are self-governed by leaders from the climate frontlines. These Formations build on the historic struggles and stewardship of Black and Indigenous communities.
Just Transition Lawyering Network (JTLN) is a national allied Formation of practicing attorneys and legal workers committed to supporting the work and struggles of the US climate frontlines.

Narratives & Culture Change

Leadership Development
Whether regional or global, our frontline Formations are self-governed by leaders from the climate frontlines. These Formations build on the historic struggles and stewardship of Black and Indigenous communities.
Just Transition Lawyering Network (JTLN) is a national allied Formation of practicing attorneys and legal workers committed to supporting the work and struggles of the US climate frontlines.

Who we
roll with

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Allied Formations


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Venenatis in a lorem sed eget enim dictum quis nec. Varius et lobortis enim felis pretium. Sit dolor tellus elementum nisi faucibus nunc. Pulvinar sit rutrum.

O que está por vir